Keep Your Teeth Healthy With These 8 Tips

A lot of people say that teeth are what represents us and it’s what makes a person uniquely apart from others.

Having a good set of teeth guarantees a great smile and a fresh breath and shows a glimpse of a person’s personal and professional life. This means that we should be taking care of teeth. Research search says there’s a deemed relation between oral health and a person’s overall health and well-being.

There are a lot of benefits to having healthy teeth, and to achieve this, here are some tips you can do:

1. Make a Habit of Brushing Your Teeth with a Proper Technique and  Calm Manner

Brushing your teeth incorrectly is almost as bad as not brushing them. Brushing is only effective when people use the correct technique. The usual back-and-forth motion of brushing is something people should avoid. The proper way to brush is with small, gentle circular motions on the front, back, and top of the teeth.

Brushing too hard should not be practiced because this can damage tooth enamel and the gums. So be gentle in brushing your teeth, use a soft bristled toothbrush, and follow the proper technique.

2. Flossing at Least Once a Day

A simple flossing can give you healthier teeth and gums.

Flossing your teeth, just like brushing, also has a right and wrong way because its process can cause unnecessary friction and damage to the gum line. The secret to proper flossing lies in the length of the dental floss and the grip when flossing. You must wrap the floss, preferably about a foot in length, around your index fingers while keeping about 2 inches between to work with. As you move from tooth to tooth, you must unroll a new, clean section of floss and control it at a tight position against the tooth to break up the plaque without damaging the gums.

3. Consider Using Fluoridated Products

Experts say that fluoride helps strengthen teeth and functions as a barrier against cavity or tooth decay caused by bacteria. Rather than just choosing whitening and flavored toothpaste, make sure that your products for oral hygiene contain fluoride. Some evidence suggests that even if you take care of their teeth, you are still prone to tooth decay in the absence of fluoride.

4. Don’t Ditch Your Dental Check-ups and Pay Your Dentist a Visit at Least Twice a Year

Dental experts often tell people that they should see a dentist at least twice a year. Dentists have a routine dental examination wherein they clean the teeth and remove plaque and hardened tartar. In some cases, when a dentist has a visual sign of a much worse oral health issue, they may use dental X-rays to check cavities and determine the health problems you might have. They can also recommend if you need to undergo dental implant clinical trials or other procedures.

5. Less Soda, More Water

Soda contains phosphoric acid and citric acid, which give its fun and “Stingy” taste, but it also gradually wears down the surface of your teeth. Drinking too much soda in a day can make your teeth more susceptible to cavities. The two (2) ingredients, namely phosphoric acid and citric acid make your tooth enamel softer. Instead of soda, drink plenty of water because it can help in flushing out residues from acidic foods and beverages left in the teeth.

6. Use Mouthwash

A lot of advertisements make it look to the eyes of the public that mouthwashes are a necessary oral health product to use.

But due to the public’s lack of knowledge of how these products work, they tend to skip them on the store shelves. Experts say that mouthwash can reduce a significant amount of acid present in the mouth. It can be a secondary choice for people who are not dutifully inclined to brush or floss their teeth because it can reach and clean hard-to-brush areas in the teeth and around the gums. It also acts as a re-mineralizer, so better ask your dentist for a specific mouthwash recommendation that is well-fitted for you.

7. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables That Are Rich in Fibers

Dentists advise parents to let their kids have harder-to-eat foods and those that require them to chew thoroughly. It’s more convenient to take ready-to-eat foods, but it doesn’t help achieve strong and healthy teeth. Eating fibre-rich fruits and veggies positively affects your teeth’s enamel because this prevents bacteria build-up in the mouth through saliva production.

8. Dark Chocolate

Yes, Chocolates! It might sound surprising, but dark chocolates can help harden tooth enamel, making your teeth less susceptible to tooth decay.   Dark chocolates have a compound called CBH, which is made up of a white, crystal-like powder similar to caffeine. As long as the dark chocolate you eat is at least 70% cacao and eaten in moderation, it can be a superfood that would help you have healthy teeth.

With all of these tips presented, you are now better prepared to keep your teeth healthy. In addition, it is much better to start practicing proper dental care at a young age up to adulthood to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Remember, brushing and flossing are just the beginning of the journey to being cavity-free, so be prepared to take further actions along the line to better care and keep your teeth in tip-top condition.